

AIA Buffalo/WNY Golf + Bocce Tournament

IIDA Renovated Mission

The International Interior Design Association (IIDA) Buffalo City Center had the honor of working with Compass House, a local shelter and resource center for homeless and runaway youth in WNY. The staff and guests at Compass House do such honorable work within our community day in and day out by providing a safe space for those they serve. Years of focusing on the clients left some of their spaces in need of updating, so we provided a well-deserved interior transformation to two of their gathering areas.


Local designers and contractors, including Crafted Concepts’ Rebecca Williams, volunteered time across three weeks to scrape, paint, replace flooring and ceilings, as well as reupholster some existing furniture to liven up the spaces. New furniture, including proper donation storage and comfortable seating while potentially uncomfortable conversations occur was provided to fulfill the facilities needs. As interior designers, the aesthetic of a space is what commonly informs our design decisions, most of the renovation was centered on providing a brighter, more durable space so that it better supports the organization’s core values of dignity, respect, and self-reliance for years to come! All funds for materials, furnishings and time was generously donated through sponsorships, proudly including Crafted Concepts.


2023 AIA Buffalo/WNY Design Awards

Joe, Danielle, and Rebecca at the local AIA Design Awards with some of the best in the industry.

AIA Holiday Food Drive

This year we were proud to be part of the AIA Holiday Food Drive. Overall, 2,805 lbs. of food and $500 were collected. FeedMore WNY was very excited and impressed by the donation. Thank you to Young + Wright Architectural for coordinating the drive.